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Change the Ref

Over the last two decades, more school-aged children have died from guns (42,507) than active-duty military personnel (25,527). To draw attention to the absurdity that’s more dangerous to go to school in America than it is to go to war, we created a military recruiting office. There are over 4,400 military recruiting offices across the U.S. They’re a feature of the American landscape. We created our own recruiting office that imitated the style of these centers, from the strip-mall location to the patriotic portrait photographs of soldiers that fill the windows. The only different is in our office, the portraits showed child soldiers, not adults. And a message read: SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO WAR. IT’S SAFER THAN SENDING THEM TO SCHOOL.” A child dressed in military fatigues stopped passersby to inform them that the office was recruiting children to join the army “for their own safety”.